New Ecosystem: Consistency And Co-Creation – Grow Your Corporate Fundraising And Partnerships Systematically And Sustainably!

This workshop will introduce the framework and approach to corporate fundraising which has helped SOS Children’s Villages International projects in 23 countries in the CEE / CIS region more than double their local income over five years. What consistent practices and factors contribute to sustainable income growth? How can the interest and contribution of potential partners be maximized? What strategies can be used to attract and retain large, international partners and how can you work with major international accounts to deliver shared impact? The first half of the workshop will address these questions while in the second, interactive half, participants will be divided into small groups to reflect on what they have heard and will discuss relevant challenges and latest best practice in corporate fundraising and partnership development.

Learning outcomes:

  • The “Working Cycle” for corporate fundraising and partnership development;
  • The Know-How Framework – as basic capacity to build corporate / partnership fundraising;
  • The main drivers and characteristics of multinational partnerships;
  • Co-creation as a way of working.

Who should attend:

  • Directors;
  • Heads of Fundraising at non-profit organizations;
  • Corporate / partnership fundraisers at non-profit organizations;
  • Supporting or potential partners of non-profit organizations.

Fundraising from the few
Location: Date: 11 October 2018 Time: 09:00 - 10:30 Katalin Kovácsné Béres
SOS Children's Villages International (HU)