Selling Ideas Versus Selling Compassion

What is the difference between fundraising for charity, social and healthcare services, education, environment, historical monuments, children and animals, and think tanks which engage in advocacy, watchdog functions and policy making? Come and learn what it means to build trust and work with donors in this different and difficult field. Fundraising cannot be done from a desktop, there must be field work. Using an INESS case study we will show that visibility is key to attracting major donors. Also, how involving personal activities that are usually not part of professional life can be useful in approaching donors will be discussed.

Learning outcomes:

  • Approaching major donors makes more sense in selling ideas than fundraising campaigns targeted at the general population (1×10,000 vs. 1,000×10).

This session is mainly for:

  • Fundraisers at think tanks, advocacy organizations and watchdog organizations.

Fundraising from the few
Location: Date: 15 October 2015 Time: 15:30 - 17:00 foto_durana Richard Ďurana