Engagement As Core Of Digital Growth

In this session, we will showcase how organizations can grow their online community and fundraising and gain valuable insights into their audiences to achieve a greater impact on their goals. We will explain how effective online campaigns for awareness, engagement, community growth and fundraising can help organizations grow a long-term supporter base and achieve their organizational mission. We will also outline the fundamentals of the engagement approach via three main parts of the scope of work and what needs to be done to initiate such an approach:

  1. Propositions
  2. Creative concepting
  3. Full-funnel digital test campaign

Learning outcomes:

  • Long-Term Vision and Objective,
  • Full-Funnel Approach,
  • Data-Driven, Test-and-Learn.

During the session, participants will collect lead-generation ideas for their organisations, so they experience tangible outcomes. They will also learn how to put ideas into propositions, then test them and roll them out with telemarketing as a potential next step.

Who should attend:

  • Organizations who want to grow online.

Rethinking strategy
Location: Date: 13 October 2022 Time: 15:30 - 17:00 Balázs Horváth
Digital Director (NL)