Get As Much As You Can!

Competition vs. Cooperation in fundraising is an often-discussed topic among fundraisers. Most of us want to see a vital civil society helping people in need, solving societal problems and making our lives better. Most of us want more money and more donors for our activities. And there is a limited amount of both in the market.  What is the best solution to this dilemma?

This workshop does not offer a solution but experience through a simulation game called “Get as much as you can!”. You will struggle for money or strive for cooperation or for both. You will discover your own solution for the given dilemma.

Learning outcomes:

  • Greater insight into collaborative and competitive strategies in fundraising
  • Useful tool for deciding the best strategy for different conditions
  • Deeper knowledge of your personal attitudes to money

This workshop is designed mainly for those who are:

  • Brave enough to play.
  • Curious about themselves.
  • Like to compete and win.
  • Hate to compete and win.

Rethinking strategy
Location: Date: 15 October 2015 Time: 17:30 - 18:30 foto_ledvinova_220_220_full Jana Ledvinová
České centrum fundraising (CZ)